
Come unto me all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give ye rest.
- Matthew 11:28
LDS Pasifika counsellors integrate welfare and self-reliance principles, so "there shall be no poor among you..." (Deuteronomy 15:4).
By fostering emotional intelligence and resilience, LDS Pasifika Counsellors focus on healing through the Atonement of Jesus Christ, helping you find peace, comfort, and the assurance that you are never alone.
Good inspiration is based on good information.
- President Russel M Nelson

Other Helpful Resources, Services
& Organisations

Pacific Region:
Contact Us - The Salvation Army NZFTS (NZ, Fiji. Tonga & Samoa)
Australia Wide:
Lifeline Australia - 13 11 14 - Crisis Support. Suicide Prevention.
24/7 Support for Anxiety, Depression and Suicide Prevention. - Beyond Blue
Talk2mebro – brothers don't let brothers fight alone
Mental health, alcohol & other drugs | Mission Australia
Get Emergency Food and Financial Assistance | Anglicare
Find a service | Wesley Mission
Domestic and family violence | 1800RESPECT
Find Food Support From Foodbank Australia
Explore our Community Services | Anglicare Sydney | Anglicare
Counselling Services | CatholicCare Sydney
Child Protection Helpline | Communities and Justice
New Zealand Wide:
Mapu Maia | Pacific Counselling
Domestic and family violence | New Zealand Government
Salvation Army Bridge Programme
Welfare Centres - The Salvation Army NZFTS
InnerBoy by Matt Brown | 30 Day programme app | InnerBoy (NZ & Australia)